Team DeepSightX, a consortium comprised of Mathematical Scientists in AI, Deep Learning and Machine Learning from Adelaide University, together with Geoscientists from Gondwana Geoscience and Austrike Resources, has received a 2nd place prize in the Unearthed Explorer Challenge hosted by OZ Minerals. Team DeepSightX entered the crowd-sourced competition aimed at revitalizing targeting around Prominent Hill in South Australia. Within three months of starting from scratch, the team’s approach of integrating minerals system geoscience with deep digital analysis achieved a competitive submission that was awarded second prize. 

The role of Gondwana Geoscience in the group involved providing the Adelaide University AI data scientists with domain expertise to inform decision making made in the target selection process. This included compiling, merging and processing potential field data and MT data from the region and developing 3D geophysical models to provide insight into fluid pathways for mineralisation. Read the full story here:


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